Puberty Clues

  • Tue 1st Aug at 1pm
  • Puberty Clues is run on the first Monday of the month from 1pm to 2pm
  • Call Gladstsone Women's Health for details
  • FREE
  • Registration essential
Illustration of female with acne and discovering underarm hair during puberty

Your daughter is approaching puberty so why not let us help you dispel the myths about puberty and “begin the conversation” that so many of us would prefer to avoid! Our facilitators present puberty in a fun, educational and interactive way. They provide ideas on how to discuss puberty and improve communication between mothers and daughters. Our facilitators help girls aged 9-12 recognise their first period and what to do when it occurs; nutrition and exercise for the young adult; emotional changes and how to cope; the female reproductive system and physical changes and products and how to use them when it is that time of the month. We also run Puberty Blues, which is the equivalent of this program for boys and their guardians. Phone for times and dates for Puberty Blues.